Five Easy Crafts Projects for Kids

February 18, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Five Easy Craft Projects for Kids

We love craft time at our house! As a mom of 5 little ones, we need some easy projects to keep us entertained! Getting out of the house isn't as easy as it used to be. With school break here I thought I share some of our favorites crafts to do! These are all quick, easy and inexpensive projects.


 Puffy Paint 

Four ingredients, thats all you need for this project. Salt, self-rising flour, food coloring and water! My kids absolutely love painting with puffy paint, and I love seeing what they create. After they're done, you just pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds and the wait rises for a cool creation!




Play Dough 

This is the BEST play dough recipe! It's so soft, doesn't stick to anything and with the coconut oil has a nice smell to it. I haven't had any of the kids eat it yet, but at least it's safe if someone decides to give it a try!




Tissue Paper Sun Catchers

This is a great project to do for all the holiday's. Hearts for Valentines, eggs or bunnies for easter, clovers for St. Patricks day.  We always have these things on hand and their friends love to do it too! My mother-in-law just got a cricket so we've upped our came on cutting out outlines!!!!




Painting on Coffee Filters

Tie dye, butterflies, flowers, fall leaves, bats, or snowflakes, there are so many things you can do with painting on coffee filters! If you look on Pinterest you will find so many ideas! You can even draw on them with markers if you prefer. A bag of coffee filters have lasted us quite a while. 


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Craft Paper, Scissors and Glue

This is the easiest one of all! These three things can keep my children entertained for hours and really brings out their creative side!!


About Me:

I am an award winning and published photographer specializing in Pregnancy, Newborn and Children’s Portraiture. I’m a mother of 5 babies and a pup.  Besides photography I am also a Labor and Delivery Nurse. I’m a woman with a passion for photography and making my dreams come true! I'm lucky enough to have an amazing support system to help me follow those dreams!

My Studio is located in Leverett, Massachusetts.  I’ve trained with some of the best in the newborn industry and have been specialized in newborn portraiture for over 4 years now.

I hope that my passion for my work shows in every image that I provide you.  I would love to work with you and create beautiful images for you to treasure forever!

Looking for a photography session?

Get in Touch with Angela here:

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